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23 Feb

Crafty night was not all I had hoped it would be. I came home from work, sat down for a minute with a glass of milk to ponder my options, and then woke up about 3 hours later when Audrey & Ransom got home. On the plus side, I did dream about this.

Crafty night!!

22 Feb

Tomorrow night is going to be AWESOME!! Why? It’s my crafty night, when Ransom & Audrey go out for daddy/daughter fun time (to the library, the Children’s Museum, etc.) and I stay home and putter. Now comes the hard part: do I clean (which I should), sew something (I have oh, so many projects I want to do), or sleep (or at least try to when the baby isn’t kicking me)? This may well be my last crafty night for quite a while, so there’s extra pressure to pick right!

Literacy in a variety of forms

23 Feb

First, the requisite cute Audrey anecdote: When we talk about the alphabet, she now says “A B”! Adorable, right?!

I’ve started trying to read more recently, which I will be chronicling at my Goodreads site. One of the first books is Game Change, the book about the 2008 election that received so much attention about a month ago. In addition to learning more about Hillary than I wanted to and laughing anew at Sarah Palin, I got some good vocabulary lessons. “Solipsism”? “Rubicon”? “Sword of Damocles”? Awesome!