Protected: Keeping me honest

8 Apr

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Fun with Office Supplies

22 Mar

Fun with Office Supplies a video by lyonbriggs on Flickr.

I’ll post real information here soon (I hope), but in the meantime here’s some video of Audrey enjoying a long strip of bubble wrap that wasn’t needed at my office anymore. (She pauses long enough to provide camera tips to Ransom.)

This week

28 Feb

It’s so strange to think about what life will be like in just a few short days… we’re due to meet our son in just a few days (unless he decides to move that timeline up!). Last time, I was paranoid about all the typical new mom stuff– delivery, nursing, life changes, etc. This time, I keep thinking of everything in terms of what it means to Audrey (how can we make her feel special? How do we make things as consistent as possible for her?). I almost worry we’re shortchanging the baby by not worrying about him more! 🙂 She knows there’s a baby in the abstract, but I’m sure she doesn’t really get how big a change this all will be (how could she?!). In an effort to keep some attention on her, we’ve signed her up for parent/tot ice skating lessons at a local rink. She’s been really excited lately to try out Ransom’s rollerblades, so hopefully this is a good experience for both of them. Now I need to find special Mommy/Daughter activities…

Audrey tries out Ransom's rollerblades


23 Feb

Crafty night was not all I had hoped it would be. I came home from work, sat down for a minute with a glass of milk to ponder my options, and then woke up about 3 hours later when Audrey & Ransom got home. On the plus side, I did dream about this.

Crafty night!!

22 Feb

Tomorrow night is going to be AWESOME!! Why? It’s my crafty night, when Ransom & Audrey go out for daddy/daughter fun time (to the library, the Children’s Museum, etc.) and I stay home and putter. Now comes the hard part: do I clean (which I should), sew something (I have oh, so many projects I want to do), or sleep (or at least try to when the baby isn’t kicking me)? This may well be my last crafty night for quite a while, so there’s extra pressure to pick right!

Back in the saddle again…

21 Feb

Unsurprisingly, parenting a 2.5 year-old has taken a good deal of time, and the thing that has fallen by the wayside is this blog. I keep thinking I need to get back to it, partially to share information with family & friends and partially to document the little milestones I might not capture otherwise. That said, I’m honestly going to do my best to re-start this blog. As before, I’m going to be protecting the posts and images that largely pertain to my family. Hopefully I have content of interest to share!


Catching up

12 Aug

I have been seriously neglectful of this blog lately! Especially considering I depend on it so much for historical purposes, that can’t continue! I’m working on editing a new video of Audrey reading & hiding in her boxes. She’s getting more verbal every day and is really enjoying watching everything & participating in the world around her. It’s amazing to watch her! I especially love seeing her interpersonal relationships develop. One of her best friends at school is an adorable girl who is much more innately adventurous than she is, so seeing them work out their individual roles in the friendship is a lot of fun. Sometimes they interact and hug, and then suddenly they become very independent. Audrey is also still a very empathetic little girl. She routinely kisses our “owwies” and then declares that they are better. 🙂 She just keeps getting more & more fun… amazing!!


7 May

I’ve been thinking lately about security as it relates to this blog. The idea of having my family exposed to people I don’t know (although I’m sure you’re lovely people) is more than a little disturbing. For that reason, I’m going to start password protecting any post that has to do with the family. If you’d like the password to the posts, please let me know.



Protected: Happy Maifest!

2 May

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Protected: Audrey’s Numbers

23 Apr

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